The Jack & Jill Children’s Foundation

The Jack & Jill Children’s Foundation teams up with MakeMyWill


THE JACK & JILL CHILDREN’S FOUNDATION is an Irish Children’s Charity set up to provide home nursing care throughout Ireland to children who are born with, or develop, brain damage. The Foundation also provides end-of-life care for all children up to the age of four.

For example, they may be blind and deaf, they may not have any speech, and may be unable to swallow.  They may not have the use of any of their limbs and can cry for days on end.

There is no known cure and no prospect of recovery.

For the parents there is the added trauma of the fact that they are on their own, with no help to turn to.

The Foundation provides direct funding to enable these families to purchase much needed home nursing respite care.

Every year the Foundation needs to raise €3.2M and it is only through the generosity of the public that they can continue to provide this service.  Every €16.00 provides one hour of home nursing care for a Jack & Jill child.

A legacy of €1,024 will provide a month of home nursing respite care for a Jack & Jill child.

Make a difference – leave a lasting legacy!

Solicitor Susan Murphy of MakeMyWill Solicitors has agreed to donate half of her fee for every Will referred to her by the Jack & Jill Children’s Foundation. So for each Will, this donation will provide 3 hours of home nursing care for a Jack & Jill Child (or 5 hours of home nursing care from a donation for a couple’s Wills). If making a Will has been on your To-Do List, why not contact Jack & Jill today and help out a family in need.

Jack & Jill Children's Foundation

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