Wexford Business Awards 2018
I am delighted to announce that I’ve been shortlisted as a finalist in the Wexford Business Awards again this year – in the e-Commerce category – “recognising businesses which excel in harnessing the latest business thinking and technology to keep them at the cutting edge of e-commerce trading.” https://www.wexfordbusinessawards.ie/
I am pleased to be able to represent my profession in changing times, bringing a more modern approach to the way we practice law – for busy people who look for good quality and good service, with the least amount of hassle. At www.makemywill.ie I will take my Clients’ instructions at a time that suits them, either by phone or by email, and provide them with tailored legal and inheritance tax advice to suit their needs to draft up their Wills. I aim for a 4-5 day turnaround, so this professional legal service is as efficient as possible. The average price for a Will is €135.00, or €190.00 per couple.
It is lovely to have my efforts in developing MakeMyWill recognised in my hometown.
I am up against some stiff competition; there are some great on-line companies based here in the South-East. I will give it a shot anyway 🙂 Interviews are on April 25th, with the Wexford Business Awards ceremony on May 25th in the Clayton Whites Hotel https://www.claytonwhiteshotel.com
Please feel free to share the event on social media, using the hashtag #WexBizAwards